Understanding unhealthy relationships through a restorative justice approach allows a student to:
- Take a close look at what happened
- Identify who and how someone was harmed
- Give youth an opportunity to take full responsibility for harm even if it wasn’t intended
- Learn how to heal in a safe way
- Connect with school and community resources with a warm handoff
This unique approach allows for someone experiencing dating abuse, or someone who is participating in dating abuse, to have a safe place to explore why it’s happening, how to make sure it doesn’t happen again by practicing healthy relationships skills and connect to additional resources to support healthy behavior.
We offer opportunities for students, parents, and staff to build and practice responsible, respectful, and healthy relationship skills by;
Gathering in a circle to discuss the harm caused by teen dating abuse
Talking one at a time while listening with empathy and respect
Making sure everyone has equal time to contribute to the conversation
Working together to connect students to mental health resources