Classroom Curriculum
Learning Objectives
A research-backed core curriculum with a series of lesson plans, interactive activities, slide decks, videos, student worksheets, and digitized assessments to introduce students to the foundation of healthy relationships.
Learn how to use the curriculum with fidelity to introduce topics such as:
- The intersections of mental health and abusive relationships
- How peers, family, and media influence our relationship behaviors
- The 4 primary forms of abuse; physical, emotional, digital, and sexual
- Identify unhealthy behaviors and build healthy relationship skills
- Interactive exercises to guide and practice decision-making, problem-solving, and consent.
Practice how to apply a restorative approach to build healthy relationships, increase capacity for empathy, self-agency and support students in asking for help.
Key Details
9th – 12th Grade
Core Health
Human Development
College and Career Prep
6 lessons, each 50 Minutes
3-Hour Training
Social-emotional strengths, Classroom culture, Communication, Healthy relationship skills, Self-Agency to ask for help
Aligned with Common Core, National Health Education Standards, New Frameworks
English and Spanish
Restorative Research
Our approach is centered on restorative practices which research shows improves school climate, enhances learning, and positive development of young people. It promotes safety, inclusion, respect, and positive healthy relationships. Restorative practices are positively correlated with lower reliance on exclusionary discipline, an improvement of school climate and student attitudes. A decline in disciplinary problems, truancy, and dropout rates are also correlated with a restorative approach.
Grant Application Resources
What is lOVE multi-tiered system of support approach can be included in grant proposals for schools and districts. We can help provide content for grant applications and compelling narratives to position your application for success. Please schedule a consultation to discuss more